Of the many things that we do just instinctively and do not give much of a thought to, sleep is probably the most prominent one. Most of us sleep only because we have to. We sleep because we cannot stay awake all 24 hours in the day.
Instead of sleep being something that we need to keep our bodies charged and maintain our health and wellbeing, most of us regard it as an obligation… something that nature has ordained us to do and hence we have to follow it. .......
These three aspects are:-
Why is sleep important to our wellbeing? This will be followed by several discussions on why we just cannot do without the right amount of sleep in our lives.
Why do some people have sleep problems and why these problems are becoming more acute in recent times? Here we shall talk about problems such as sleep apnea, insomnia, restlessness and other problems that keep us away from getting adequate amounts of sleeps. The focus will be on present times, because today we are sleeping less than ever before. This is bringing in its wake a host of problems, and one of the reasons why we are visiting a lot more doctors today than before is because we do not sleep well.
What can we do to improve our sleep patterns? This is the most important part of the eBook and you will find the information strewn throughout. With several illustrations, tips and strategies, I shall endeavor to tell you what we can do to improve our sleep patterns, especially in today’s sleep-deprived times. .....
A very important aspect of sleep deprivation that the world is facing today, and probably a contributor to that as well, is our own unwillingness to sleep. We know that sleep is important; we even know that if we do not sleep adequately, then it will create a lot of problems for us in future, but we are still in denial and we do not give this very essential part of our lives its due importance.
What is it that is making us not sleep? There are so many people who are burning the midnight lamp for various reasons, but to what avail? Are deadlines so important that we should lose sleep over them?
What effects can such a hazardous lifestyle have on our health? ....
This is definitely dangerous territory. If we are not able to sleep effectively, then we spend the next day getting tired and restless. We aren’t able to put in our creative best. Our thought patterns begin to falter. Our mind gets clouded with various psychological problems and the difficulties begin to crop up. ...
Sleep Apnea
If you snore when you sleep, it is highly likely you may also have a condition known as sleep apnea. People with this condition actually stop breathing for short periods while they are sleeping. This causes a drop in blood oxygen levels, and the brain disturbs the sleep of the person to ensure they breathe. If this happens regularly through the night, it will make you tired throughout the day.
Limb Movements
Some people are affected at night by the need to move their legs and limbs due to “restless legs” a syndrome that causes tingling or other unusual sensations in the limbs. Other people experience sudden movements in their limbs and this causes their legs or arms to jerk suddenly and without warning. Both of these conditions, even if they occur subconsciously will interfere with the sleep cycle and disturb sleep. ...
Many people do not realize how little they sleep over the course of a week and it may help to track your own sleeping habits using a sleep diary. In your diary, record when you go to sleep each night and when you wake up the next morning. Document if you need an alarm clock to wake you up and how long it took you approximately to fall asleep. Describe in your diary how you are feeling during the day and especially record the foods you eat and when during the day you feel tired. .......